
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Snack Time and Lunch Time

Had a snack before we went out to do some errands with a good friend :) Glad I did because it was so humid outside and even worse in our car that I probably would have been dehydrated. MMmmm gotta love me some melon!

I bought some black beans, kidney beans, and nectarines...that kinda rhymed! Thought about eating a nectarine at lunch, but was sidetracked by super salad guy!
Can you make out his smile, nose, eyes, eyebrows and hair? Salad is just more fun when you decorate it, although I do like tossed salad too! I guess it's the mom in me making faces out of things I eat.

Lunch Time Salad included...Cherry tomatoes, green leaf lettuce, cucumber, a couple of cherries, raisins, and avocado. I also had some dinner leftovers a mixture of sweet corn off the cob, roasted zucchini and green peppers. It was yummy!
My HUGE mason jar of water. It may not look huge in this picture, but trust me. This is a trick I play on myself, so that I know at the end of the day I've drank enough water. With regular size glasses I could easily drink a whole glass during a meal and then I'll forget to fill it up again or a little later. This way I have a couple glasses of water all poured into one. Plus this jar is so huge that I can't try to ignore it.

Off to do something fun before the day is over...see you around dinner :)

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