Check out my greens for the day...
First my every day green juice :) I've given this recipe here before, but it is such a great combo that I'll share it again.
"Everyday Green Juice"
6-10 pieces of Romaine Lettuce (or any green you have on hand)
1 cucumber
1/2 a lemon
1 large apple or 2-3 small apples
I've been making it this way for so long I forgot that my old recipe called for a pinch of ginger! I'll have to start adding ginger again for that extra bite. Silly me :D
Second and certainly my new favorite soup is the Cream of Spinach Soup. This recipe comes from Jennifer Cornbleet's Raw Food made Easy.
I am a super picky person when it comes to raw soups. I have made quite a few that haven't turned out, mostly my own concoctions. It takes a bit of practice to get what makes a delicious raw soup. This recipe nails it hands down. It incorporates veggies, spices and fats to make it a creamy bowl of goodness.
"Cream of Spinach Soup" (Serves 2 or 1 hungry person)
1 handful of spinach
1/2 a cucumber, peeled
1 tomato, cut in wedges
1/4 cup water (I used warm water and my soup ended being room temperature, rather than cold)
1 avocado
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons of Namo Shoyu or Soy Sauce
1/2 teaspoon of salt
dash of Cayenne Pepper
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Blend everything till smooth. Adjust seasonings to taste.
This was so satisfying and tasty. I totally recommend it to living food beginners to the accomplished.
As you can see from my soup pictures, I'm outside enjoying today. It is so warm outside I almost think that spring might have left us for the day and summer decided to visit. Yesterday, since I was feeling well I stayed inside and cleaned everything. Our house is spotless, at least for a few hours. Anyway, my point is today I'm outside enjoying the sun, eating greens and feeling HAPPY!
Enjoy yourself today :)
If you are picky about raw soup, you HAVE to try this one - it is SO amazing.
I leave out the jalapeno because it's too spicy for me, and I use sea salt instead of Nama Shoyu. 1 tsp is enough, honestly. Try it, it's soooooooooooOooOoo good.
I keep meaning to try fiery lava out because I remember you mentioning it befoe, thank you reminding me :D I'll make it tomorrow, grocery shooping day, so I'll have the ingridents! :D
it's so good, you'll luv it!